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DIY Sequin Blazer

DIY Fashion Aug 7, 2012

You may remember a while ago I posted inspiration for embellished blazers – well the inspiration stayed with me and recently I went about creating a very simple sequin backed blazer. A tip from me to you? The trick with any sequin project is to use bronze or copper sequin fabric which will look much more subtle and chic than other, more shiny, sequins. Away we go!
Wearing: DIY blazer, Converse sneakers, French Connection denim shorts, H&M mint t-shirt, Karen Walker number one sunglasses.

You need:
– a simple black blazer
– 1.5 m of sequin fabric
– pins
– needle and thread

How to:
1. Lay out and trim the sequin fabric to the approximate size of the back of your blazer.

2.  Trim the bottom to approximately the bottom of the blazer. I left mine a little lower as I wanted to create a very subtle ‘tail’ style where the sequins hung down a little further.

3. Pin the fabric along the back of the neckline and shoulders of the blazer, all the way out to the arm seams. I left a very small edging of black along the neckline – you can do this or go all the way to edge.

4. Lightly stitch the fabric onto the blazer along the neckline and down the sides of the shoulder seams.

5. Once you get to the seams under the arms and down the side of the jacket, I switched to doing a light stitch every 5cm so that it retained some movement and didn’t bunch up awkwardly when I moved around.

Voila! You’re done. How easy was that? You can also put sequins on the front of your blazer or on the arms, or stick to this more subtle version.

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Tags Blazers Jackets Sequins

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