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DIY Studded Leather key Ring

DIY Fashion Mar 20, 2014

If you’re been following along on instagram you’ll know that things have been happening very quickly over at the new A Pair & A Spare studio, recently we were officially given the keys and I have to say, I’m ecstatic. To celebrate in my own small, DIY way, I created this simple studded leather key ring.

You need:

  • A strip of leather
  • A multi hole punch
  • A clasp
  • Studs and stud bottoms
  • Scissors

How to:

1. Cut your piece of leather to size, add the clip in the middle and then fold in half.

2. Punch two holes through the leather.

3. Press the stud bottom through the underside.

4. Screw the top of the stud on.

5. Do the same for the next hole and then trim the end into a point.


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