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DIY Lace-up Skirt

DIY Fashion Nov 16, 2016

DIY Lace Up Skirt

Is it the 90’s or what? But I’m not complaining. The lace up has made a come back and I couldn’t be happier. There’s nothing I like better than a detail that takes something simple to a whole new level, and it’s crazy DIYable! Read on to see how to do it yourself.

DIY Lace Up Skirt

You Need

  • Skirt
  • Grommets
  • Grommet Tool
  • Hammer
  • Fabric Scissors
  • Fabric Marker
  • 2m x Leather cord

How to

  1. Position the grommet pieces onto the skirt as desired. I went for seven rows of two on either side of the skirt, but you can do more or less depending on what look you’d like to achieve.

2. Mark the position of each grommet with the fabric marker.

3. Cut a small hole at each mark to fit the grommet pieces through. It helps to make the holes a little on the smaller side so the grommet grips the fabric well.

4. Place the rounded grommet piece on the outside and the flat grommet piece on the inside of the garment.

5. Using the grommet tool, hammer the grommets in place so they are secure. Repeat this for all other grommet holes.

6. Cutting the leather string in half to make two 1m long pieces, tie a knot at one end.

7. Threading from from the inside out, thread the string through the grommets as you would your shoe laces. Once laced up, put a knot on the other side of the string to secure.

Easy done!

Photos by Nicola Lemmon

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Tags DIY Instructionals Lace Up No sew sewing Skirt Summer DIY Tutorials

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