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DIY Balenciaga Inspired Crop Top

DIY Fashion Jul 30, 2013

You may have guessed…

the Balenciaga SS13 collection was by far the most inspiring for me this season when it comes to potential DIY projects (remember this?).  It’s so funny, as soon as I saw this crop top on the runway more than 6 months ago I knew it was going to be a project I would try, but it took me so long to work out how I would do it and to make the time. Sometimes life gets in the way of DIY (inexcusable I know!) but when I finally had a crack at it I found it to be quick and requiring only minimal materials. What more could a girl want?

As usual I went with an’ inspired by’ version of the original (like this) – not quite the same, mainly because the construction is very different.

Wearing: DIY Singlet, Vintage black silk palazzo trousers, necklaces from Rose Jewelry, Coach Watch

I used a white tank dress (mine was from H&M) or you can use an extra long singlet. Pick one in a thick jersey fabric so you don’t have to worry about fraying fabric (the edges will roll rather than fray).


The first step is to cut the back out of the tank to create the crop, so measure a line a few inches below the bottom of your bra strap when the top is on where you will cut it. Then lay the tank face down and cut out the back, following the line of the seams (I left the seams on rather than cutting them out) and the horizontal line.


This is how the back should look.


Turn your singlet over and mark the middle of the front. Cut a straight line down the middle, as if you are cutting the opening of a cardigan.


Cut all the way to the bottom.


This is the shell of your top, you're practically there!


Now Mrs Mannequin is going to demonstrate how to wrap the top. Pretty simple! I simply tied the leftover fabric in a knot and let it hang down but you can also cut it short if you like. When you are wrapping you could choose to do it so that two slits of rib cage are showing like in the original but I just felt that was a little too much for me.


Tuck the top edges of the singlet in, when I have the top on with a bra underneath I tuck the edges into my bra (for a little extra security you could pin the edges to the underside of your bra, or pin the fabric together where it crosses over between your breasts).


Finally, if you like the look of the gathered straps, use your needle and thread to sew a little dart into them.


I contemplated wearing it with the matching DIY Skirt but thought that might be overkill – what do you think?

Outfit imagery by Lauren Engel

Shop Collective Gen


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