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DIY Sequin Pocket Jeans

DIY Fashion Oct 23, 2013

If you’re thinking it’s time for another ‘just add sequins‘ project, you’d be right! I spied these amazing jeans recently and wanted desperately to recreate the look, but when I tested out it out by pinning the sequin pieces to the knees I found they didn’t have the same effect (I have a feeling my legs need to be at least a foot longer…). So I decided to use the sequins to make these sequin pockets jeans instead. What I like to call turning a problem into a solution!

You need:

  • a pair of jeans
  • sequin fabric
  • scissors
  • needle and matching thread
  • craft paper
  • pencil

How to:

1. Trace the shape of your pocket on the craft paper and then cut it out.

2. Lay the shape onto the sequins, lining it up with the grain properly – I lined it up so the sequins went straight up and down, but it will depend what type of sequin fabric you use.

3. Cut out two of the pocket shapes. Because my pockets weren’t completely symmetrical I flipped the cut out for the second patch so they mirrored each other.

4. Place the sequins over the pockets and sew them down using small stitches. Because the edges are raw, make sure you sew along the very edge and try to secure all the edge sequins so you get less fraying. You can always turn the edges over and sew down but the fabric I used was a little too thick for that.

Voila! The best thing about hand sewing a project like this is that you can rock them for a few wears then take them off when you want to go back to simple denim.

First and last pictures by Sabrina Sikora

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Tags Denim DIY Instructionals Jeans Sequins sewing Tutorials

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