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DIY Scalloped Heels

DIY Fashion Sep 22, 2014

I’m a firm believer that we make our own sunshine, whether it be in the form of a Monday that doesn’t kill you, a job that you love or that ripped denim skirt that’s been on your wish list for ages. For that reason, I’m excited to be working with Kookai this month sharing a handful of DIYs, based on their new ‘Make Your Own Sunshine’ inspired AW14 collection. Drawing from the world of pop art and soul music, the collection is all about creating your own happiness (or sunshine), and what better way than with a bit of DIY, right?

Ok, ok, so I know shoes aren’t the answer to lifelong happiness, but they’re certainly not a bad place start (after getting a good 8 hours of sleep a night!). So today I’ll be showing you how to make a very very simple pair of scalloped heels – the perfect centrepiece for an outfit designed to dance the night away to soul, hip hop, funk – whatever your jam! Although, to be fair you’ll probably find me shoes in hand by the end of the night… 🙂 And you guys, in case you weren’t sold on this project, the scalloping is totally removable so you can get happy with these shoes over and over!

Wearing: Skirt and jacket from Kookai‘s AW14 collection

You need:

  • A pair of strappy heels (these are simple Tony Bianco ones I’ve had for years)
  • A piece of scrap leather or suede (faux would also work too)
  • Scissors
  • Clear tape
  • This Scallop Printable printed on A4
  • A few pieces of leather twine

How to:

1. Start by carefully cutting out the template.

2. Using the tape, stick that to the underside of the leather/fabric.

3.  Next, using sharp scissors, carefully cut out the leather along the template, so you end up with scalloped trim as seen below.

4. The end result should look like this. You’ll have to cut around 4 pieces or more for your heels.

5. To attach to your heels, you’re going to use two methods. For the ankle straps, simple cut two slits into the leather and weave the strap onto it.

6. For the front strap, make two holes at the edge of the fabric, and thread the twine through, tying it to he underside of the strap.


Stay tuned for more projects that inspire you to make your own sunshine!

Photos by Marion Tessier

In collaboration with Kookai.

Shop Collective Gen


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