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DIY Leather Camera Strap

DIY Fashion Apr 29, 2015

DIY Leather Camera Strap

You know how they say the best camera is the one you have with you? I’m actually more in the boat of the best camera is the one that’s attached to a DIYed camera strap – hopefully making it much harder to lose (and thus, one you’ll always have with you). Not that you needed any more proof my addiction to camera straps, (cue this and this), however I thought it was high time I shared with you what type of strap I’m currently sporting. Enjoy!

DIY Leather Camera Strap

You need: 

  • leather
  • cone studs
  • multi hole punch tool
  • clasps

Get yourself a leather kit with all the materials here.

How to:

1. Measure out strips of leather 2.5cm (1 inch) long.

2. You’ll need a couple of these depending on the width of your leather and how long you want your strap to be.

3. Use your hole punch to put a hole where your connecting screw will go. Add the screw and top of the stud to secure.

4. On each end, add the clasp by putting the leather through the loop.

5. And then punching a hole and then adding another screw.


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Tags Accessories Leather technology

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