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DIY Copper and Concrete Candle Holders

Home DIY Nov 26, 2015

DIY Copper and Concrete Candle Holders

‘Once you pop you can’t stop’ was never so true as when working with concrete – once you start thinking about what you can make out of quick dry cement you’ll drive yourself crazy imagining the possibilities. It’s one of those materials that’s so easy to work with, yet yields such great results. Yes it’s messy, and if you get the mould wrong you’re custard, but bearing those things in mind it’s possible to become somewhat of a concrete artist. Or feel like one anyway. Did I mention it’s dirt cheap? Here I show you how to create something for the table for just a few dollars and a try to the hardware store, perfect for those of you sitting down with family and friends today, or later in the holiday season.

DIY Copper and Concrete Candle Holders

You need:

  • Quick dry concrete
  • Copper piping 5cm (2 inches) long.
  • Call boxes
  • Scissors

How to:

1. Mix your concrete as it says on the packet.

2. Pour it into the box and allow to set for a few minutes.

3. Once the concrete is a little bit set, press the pipe in and few inches. Allow to set overnight (or whatever your packet says).

4. Once set, cut your box open. Voila!

5. Push your candles down into the copper pipe, making sure they go a few inches into the pipe and are secure.

Voila. I made come circular ones using cylindrical boxes, so many options with this project!

A big happy thanksgiving to my lovely readers who are celebrating today.

Photos by Nicola Lemmon

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