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DIY Printable Holiday Gift Tags

Home DIY Dec 18, 2015

DIY Printable Holiday Gift Tags

Can you believe it’s only 7 days until Christmas? Ahhhh so excited! I’m about to hop on a plane to go to Australia for a wholllllle month. Could I be more excited? I’ll be shooting a few projects in Sydney and then spending the rest of the trip near Byron Bay. *dancing*. Christmas down under will be the usual mash up of sunshine, eating too much, my mum forcing me to write a goals list for 2017 2016 (which I secretly love), blue bottle stings (not a drink fyi, a jellyfish) and running/hopping acrossĀ hot pavement without any shoes on. Yew! Bring it on.

And Ā while I know that Christmas means different things to everyone (whether it be snow, family, friends, or even just some delicious alone time), I’m pretty sure you can all appreciate something pretty, and free! So Kristen and I got together and created some printable gift tags for you to add to your gifts while you’re wrapping this weekend. Cos we luv ya! Hoping the countdown to the holidays is relaxing (at least a little bit). Download the gorgeous gift tags here.

Make sure to check out Kristen’s lovely website!

Photos by Nicola Lemmon

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Tags Christmas Gifts

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