The ultimate in healthy mid afternoon snacks, these apricot and coconut balls are so delicious served chilled alongside a cup of tea. I posted this pic on my instagram a few days ago and had quite a few requests for the recipe, and I’m quite happy to share it with you! After you’ve made this version you should experiment a bit, trying different fruit and nuts – it’s really so versatile. And the best thing? You don’t have to be overly pedantic about the amounts you use – it’s done to taste which is great because I’m not so into (read: good at) being precise when it comes to cooking.
You need:
- 4 handfuls of dried apricots (approx 500g)
- two handfuls of almonds or any other nuts you like – cashews or macadamias would be delish (approx 250g)
- a pinch of salt
- 1 cup of dessicated coconut
- a few spoons of water
How to:
- In a food processor or by hand, chop up the nuts and apricots into tiny pieces.
- Add the water, salt, 1/3 of the coconut and mix together so you have a slightly moist rough dough. You can do all this in the food processor if you are using one.
- Take spoonfuls of the mixture and press into balls.
- Roll in coconut.
- Leave to set in the freezer. I like to store mine in the freezer all the time so they are cool and solid to snack on.
How cute are my new delicate gold pieces from Rose Jewelry?
* ps is it silly that I snigger every time I say balls? Argh so childish!