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DIY Leather Heart Gift Tags

Home DIY Jan 30, 2015

DIY Leather Heart Gift Tags

Looking to add a little love to your next gift? Look no further than these DIY leather heart gift tags, inspired by our favourite retro heart candy. These are the perfect topper for that present for your Valentine, Galentine, or cat. Once the wrappingĀ has been opened (tears of joy etc etc), the leather tags are perfect worn as a necklace – so literally it’s the gift that keeps on giving!

DIY Leather Heart Gift Tags

You need:

  • leather
  • 5mmĀ leather stamps set
  • scissors
  • hammer
  • paper heart template
  • clear tape
  • multi hole punch

How to:Ā 

1. Tape your paper heart template to your leather and cut around the shape.

2. Neaten your edges to get nice curves

3. Using the same technique as I used in the Leather Luggage Tags, placeĀ the leather hearts under two boards and sandwich the stamps between Ā themĀ where you want to stamp your letters. Ā This will give you a guideline and keep your letters straight.On a scrap piece of leather, experiment with how many times you need to hit the stamps to make a good impression, this will vary on the type of leather you have. Ā Once you are ready, decide on what you want your tags to say and stamp away!

4. Get creative with what you write, although make sure youĀ plan the spacing first.

Finally, Using a multi hole punch tool, punch a hole near the top of the heart. Thread a piece of string through the hole and attach it to your parcel.

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Tags Gifts Leather Valentines Day

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