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DIY Home: Jeans on Hooks

DIY Storage Feb 22, 2015

Jeans on Hooks

As many of you can probably tell, I’m all about interesting ways to store my clothes – treating all my favourite pieces more like art than something I wear. I have to say, this approach has really helped me to stop throwing things in a pile on the floor! Unsurprisingly some of my favourite clothing storage ideas have been found as part of visual mechanising in stores – I feel like a visually merchandised closet is pretty much the dream isn’t it? And while a lot of VM concepts are a bit too arty to be applied to everyday life, some actually work! I found these hooks in my local dollar store and thought they were a good idea, a trick I saw in a shop in Bondi when I was back home. I attached them to my DIY copper hat rack (which is turning out to be very multi purpose!), but you could just as easy use the hooks in a closet.  It’s a great way to display your jeans collection if you’re sick of them in a drawer or on clip hooks. For me it makes getting dressed fun rather than a chore!

Jeans via Grana (see my DIY denim post here), Re-dun, J Brand

Shop Collective Gen

Tags home interiors Jeans

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