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DIY Shelf Christmas Tree

Christmas Nov 29, 2017

DIY Shelf Christmas Tree

Hey guys! Welcome to the annual ‘when you don’t have enough space for a Christmas tree’ DIY.

You’ll know that I’m all about the festive spirit, but sometimes an apartment the size of a postage stamp dampens that somewhat. Which is why, year after year I continue to rack my brain for ideas that allow you to have a Christmas tree in your space, when you’ve got pretty much no space at all. When we lived in London I experimented with a post it note christmas tree, and a few years ago I made a DIY string light tree that goes on the wall. This year? I’m all for the shelfies. Leather hanging shelves have become a big part of the decor in my house, so it made sense to integrate that idea with some festive decor. Introducing, the DIY Shelf Christmas Tree! It’s pretty, functional and hypoallergenic… What more could you ask for?!

DIY Shelf Christmas Tree

For reference, the 4 pieces of 2.5 cm (1″) thick wood planks we used were 95 cm (37”), 70 cm (28”),40 cm (19”) and 25 cm (10”) wide. But this can be adjusted depending on your liking or the width of your wall. The wooden star was bought from H&M, and is actually a tray, but you can use any sort of star or ornament you like for the top of the tree. We decided to paint our planks white with a gold edge, mainly because our planks were different coloursĀ so wouldn’t have looked great bare. You can leave yours bare or paint them any colour you like.


Begin by sanding down the wood planks to remove any splinters.Then paint the planks white or in any color you prefer. 



We then painted the edges of the wood gold.


We cut our straps to 41cm (16'') in length.Measure and cut your leather straps,then punch holes into both ends. 



Lastly,fold the straps in half and install the ring rivets.


We installed the shelves using stick-on hooks, to minimise damage to the wall. But if you'd prefer using nailed-on hooks for a more secure set up, that's fine too!  




The wooden star has no hooks installed, so we glued on a small hoop of twine for hanging.


Begin by figuring out the placement of the wooden star. This will be your starting point for measuring the placements of the wooden planks below it.


A ruler can come in handy for making sure the planks are evenly spaced and parallel to each other. We spaced the placements of the planks and hooks 10cm (4'') from each other. If you don't have someone else checking the placements for you as you install the shelves, masking tape can come in handy for temporarily securing the hooks.


We used a transparent stick-on hook so it wouldn't be as obvious when installed. Be sure to double check instructions on the packaging to make sure the hook can sustain the weight of your shelves without damaging the wall!

Like what you see? Or just want to save it for later?

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And just like that, it’s done! Simple as pie. Just decorate with some christmas deco and some of your smaller wrapped gifts and you have a space-saving minimalist christmas tree! You can cluster your bigger presents underneath.

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