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Before & After: Make this DIY Embroidered Dress

DIY Fashion Feb 20, 2019

A little fashion before and after coming right at you.

Whilst we’re knee deep in before and afters when it comes to interiors, don’t think for a moment that I’ve forgotten my love of these sorts of clothing projects. This time, we’re taking a very simple shift black dress (pretty ugly imho) and giving it a tweak, then adding some ’embroidery’ the simple way… Read on for more!


The first thing we did was the tweak the dress - it was a very boxy shift dress to begin with but we took up the length and added some darts in the body to provide shape. Easy!


We purchased a variety of embroidery patches in the same style. 


Slip your dress onto a mannequin (or yourself) to figure out the placements of your patches, then pin them in place. Since we did a symmetrical design, we had to place it on a flat surface afterwards to re-confirm the placements and alignments before ironing the patches to the dress.


Once you're happy with the placements of the patches, carefully iron them onto the dress. Do this slowly, instead of just pressing on the whole patch in one go ,that way you'll still be able to correct any misalignments. Fusing tape can help secure any smaller bits that don't have enough adhesive backing on them.


Photos by Nicola Lemmon

Shop Collective Gen


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