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Make This Easy Cactus Paddle Wall Hanging!

Home DIY Feb 18, 2019

A simple bedroom update to give you the ultimate retreat vibes…

Thanks for tuning in for last week’s Master Bedroom reveal! I was excited to finally share it with you. You might remember a while ago in our renovation series, that giant cacti plant in our neighbour’s yard was one of my favourite features of the house, hilarious given it wasn’t even on our property! Halfway through the renovation I went on site to find our neighbour hacking away at it, complete with (very imaginative) expletives and rivers of sweat. Apparently the cacti has been growing rampantly for years, taking over their garden and had driven them absolutely crazy. Not wanting to say goodbye just yet, I picked up a few of the cacti paddles before they got relegated to the green bin. After seeing a lot of inspiration from gorgeous Italian homesteads (that I sorely want to visit) where prickly pear cacti paddles have been used as hanging decor, I thought why not?!

The Inspiration

How to Prepare and Hang Your Cacti

1. The most important thing about this project is getting hold of, and preparing, your cacti paddle. Ā I obviously sourced these from our neighbour, and tried to pick ones that were of a similar shape and size. A few had already been cut but one or two I cut myself, trying to chop them close to the base so that the full shape of the paddle was kept.

2. Wearing gloves, I took them home to prepare them. I gave them a rough wipe down with some newspaper to remove as many of the spines as possible. You don’t necessarily have to do this but I thought given they were to be placed above the bed, it might be a good idea! I then drilled a hole in the top. You can also use a nail or skewer to poke a whole instead, but I had a drill on hand and it worked perfectly.

3. I then took some twine and passed it through the hole, tying in a knot to create a loop for hanging on each of the paddles.

4. The final step was to hang them on the wall. We measured three points in a triangle shape (down from the ceiling so it was accurate) and then nailed in gold picture hooks. Then we were ready to hang.


I think layering a few together on the one hook would have looked great too!

What do you think? Would you add cactus paddles to your wall?

Inspiration images via Albeli Rentals, Emiko Davies

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