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Frankie's Amazing New Dollhouse Furniture!

Home DIY Aug 6, 2020

We have a dollhouse update!

I’m so utterly blown away by these gorgeous pieces that I had to share them with you. When we got Frankie’s dollhouse, which is pretty much a family heirloom, it didn’t have any furniture. I didn’t think much about it but recently Ben’s mother dropped over a box that she had discovered in storage…… The furniture for Frankie’s dollhouse! These are the original pieces that Ben’s grandfather made for the house, and I have to say, they are incredible.

I’ve been doing a lot of research about dollhouse furniture and have found that in most cases people make them out of cardboard or foam core, which if I’m honest, is probably what I would do! But these pieces are so so much more than that. They are all hand crafted, detailed and made like tiny perfect replicas of the real thing. I’m going to be doing some teeny tiny upcycles on a few pieces, and changing a few fabrics, but of course I want to stay as true as possible to these gorgeous pieces. I’ll also be making a few modern pieces of my own to give the house that eclectic and mixed feel that I like, but I couldn’t be happier to bring these gorgeous designs home to Frankie’s dollhouse. Stay tuned!

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