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Make this Kid's Rainbow Wall Hanging

Kids Crafts Jun 10, 2021

An easy little project for the young, or the young at heart.

I’ve been working with Sculpey polymer clay for a while now and I wanted to make some art for Frankie’s bedroom. I included shapes that I knew she would love –  clouds, rainbows and geometric shapes. This easy DIY is a simple craft project for a great rainy day or during the school holidays and Sculpey is easy to find online and in craft stores. I love this type of clay because it’s so flexible and easy to use and pretty much anyone can make something pretty with it!


  • Sculpey polymer clay. I used the colours igloo, cream, cinnamon and pumpkin
  • Rolling pin or bottle
  • Sharp knife
  • Skewer
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch
  • Gold wire
  • Stick or dowel


  1. Start by rolling out to clay to approximately 2mm thick. You can use a rolling pin for this, however I find a glass bottle gives a smoother finish. Make sure to do it on glass or marble so it doesn’t stick to the surface.
  2. Use a cookie cutter or glass to cut your shapes. To make the rainbow, I rolled out three skinny tubes, stuck them together, curved and trimmed at the edges for clean ends.
  3. Place all of the shapes on a baking tray and bake on a low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Once the clay has cooled, plan your hanging design by laying it out on a bench. I decided to cut some half circles at this point to make a geometric look.
  5. Using your hole punch, punch holes in all pieces of clay where you want to connect them together.
  6. To connect it all together you can use gold wire or jump rings. I decided to use gold wire.
  7. Slide the clay pieces onto the dowel or stick. Add some string to the dowel to allow you to hang it.
  8. Voila!

I also decided to add a twine tassle which can easily be made by looping twine through a gold ring multiple times and using another piece of twine secure the top of the tassle. To finish, cut through the bottom loop to make the tassles.

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