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How To Make An Upholstered Bouclé Bench

Home DIY Mar 15, 2022

Give the people what they want. In this case – an upholstered bouclé bench seat!

I love being able to base my DIYs around what you guys are asking for and after making my upcycled upholstered linen waterfall bench seat soooo many of you guys asked for the upholstered bouclé bench version. I happily went along with it because, I mean who doesn’t love a bit of boucle!

You might remember I found two wooden benches for $10 on marketplace and knew they would be perfect to try the upholstered waterfall bench that I had been wanting to try for a while. You can check out my first bench in rust coloured linen and follow the tutorial for how to make it, here.

Bouclé has trended a lot in the past few years, for my I love that it’s a minimalist look but the texture of the fabric gives it lots of style and character, it’s anything but boring! And so I knew I had to make an upcycled, upholstered bouclé bench.

It’s quite a simple project and I think it’s a good one to learn a bit about upholstering and working with a staple gun if you haven’t before.  You don’t need a lot of materials (fabric, batting, staple gun and of course a bench!) and there isn’t anything to take apart and put back together which is often the case with upholstery. Meaning this upholstered boucle bench is nice stress-free project.

I actually couldn’t get my hands on boucle fabric so this is the Teddy fabric from Spotlight. It’s great because any fabric with this sort of texture really hides the staples well and if you make some mistakes or your staples aren’t straight, its very forgiving!

The thing I love about this is that you can choose whatever fabric you like and really change the look and feel of the bench! It would be perfect in a hallway, at the end of a bed (I wish I had room at the end of mine!!) or as another seating option in a lounge room!

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