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Restoring a Rusted Old Metal Trolley!

Upcycled furniture Apr 19, 2024

It’s not often that you find a broken down metal trolley on the side of the road and even though it looked like it was destined for landfill, I saw the potential.

The wheels were quite rusty and kind of stuck but I thought it would be perfect in my studio for tools and materials so I took it home where I was able to repair them, remove so much rust and get this little trolley working again. It’s so perfect as moveable craft storage for my studio!

Materials Used to Restore A Rusted Trolley

How to Restore A Rusted Metal Trolley

  1. The trolley I had was quite dirty and rusted so the first step was to clean it using a high pressure washer.
  2. Then to focus on getting rid of the rust, I started by giving it a light sand before using the WD-40. I just sprayed it on and left it for 10 minutes before giving it a good scrub with a metal brush.
  3. Then I worked on the stuck wheels. They were completely rusted and I wanted to try and repair them rather than having to replace them. So I sprayed them then scrubbed them again with my metal brush to remove some of the rust. Then I just sprayed some more WD-40 on the wheel mechanism.
  4. The last step was to give it a coat of terracotta spray paint and then fill it with all my supplies.

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