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Making A Painted Patterned Craft Cupboard!

Kids Crafts Jul 26, 2024

It’s no secret that we love all things crafts in my house but the girl’s craft supplies tend to take over, so I have decided to make them their very own craft cupboard. For DIY July  a few of you asked for kids storage ideas so I thought I could upcycle this secondhand cupboard into a crafty storage solution where they can help themselves to anything crafty at any time, and store anything they’re not using!

I found this storage cupboard that was perfect for this project but it had been half painted and was begging for a makeover. I wanted the cupboard to still fit in with the feel of the house and be grown up but still fun, and encourage creativity in the girls so I thought I could paint some fun flowers on the inside of the cupboard. So it’s kinda all business on the outside and floral crafty party on the inside.


How I Upcycled this Craft Cupboard


I started by cleaning the cupboard and lightly sanded back the existing paint. Because someone had already started to paint the cupboard it had already been mostly prepped. I then applied a layer of the British Paints 4 in 1 Prep Primer. Then I apply my base colour, Retro Peach (in semi-gloss finish) to the entire cupboard, inside and out, not forgetting to also paint the doors as well!


Once the base colour was dry, it was time to prep for painting the funky flower pattern inside. I used a pencil to first trace where I wanted the flowers to go. Drawing a pattern may look hard but I went with a really simple freehand design that turned out to be so easy!


Then I painted 2 coats of Red Viper for the flower petals and once that was dry, added a flower centre using Yellow Mania. And once that was dry, I reattached the doors and of course started stacking it with all of the craft goodies!


This project is in collaboration with British Paints.

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