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DIY Floral Heart

Home DIY Feb 3, 2014

One thing I’ve learnt recently is that you don’t have to confine your flowers to a vase. There are, in fact, so many fun and inventive ways to display them. In honour of the impending Valentine’s Day festivities, Gemma and I created this floral heart to help get us in the mood. The perfect decoration for your love nest, and even nicer as a present for a friend, or yourself! Who says Valentine’s day has to be for couples? Once again, by using roses you’ll ensure that this decoration looks just as good dry as it does fresh. Read on to see how we did it.

You need:

  • A bunch of small roses
  • Cardboard
  • Floral wire
  • A pencil and stanley knife
  • a stapler
  • twine

How to:

1. Start by trimming the roses down so they have about a 5cm (2 inch) stalk.

2. Draw a heart onto the cardboard and cut out, making sure to cut out the inside too.

3. This is what it should look like. Make your heart as slim as you can without it buckling.

4. Add your twine.

5. Using your wire, connect the flowers together by winding the stalks together in a long strand. Leave a few left over for later.

6. Then, staple them to the cardboard, starting at the  bottom apex of the heart.

7. Keep going until you’ve covered the cardboard completely.

8. Once you finished attaching the strands, add more individual flowers to cover any edges of the cardboard that show.


Thanks once again Gemma for working on such a fun project with me!

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