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DIY Printable Valentine's Cards

Home DIY Feb 5, 2014

I hate to sound like a complete cliche but for me, the most important part of giving or receiving is the card. While that perfect Zimmermann bikini or a new sewing machine hits the spot, it’s what’s written in a card that takes the cake. I guess that’s because, while it’s pretty easy to slap down your credit card, it’s not so easy to open up your heart and put it on paper, particularly for many of the opposite sex. (My boyfriend has, perhaps under duress, come to understand the significance of the card and now behaves accordingly. And they say you can’t change a man!)

Although that’s not to say it’s only men that struggle in the written sentiments department. In the event that you’re having trouble putting into words your thoughts and feelings for your Lover Ā this Valentines Day, Jasmine DowlingĀ and I got together to create some sweet cards with a few of our favourite thoughts. What we love about these cards is that they’re perfect for your Valentine, and even better, in the words of Leslie Knope, for your Galantine.Ā Or for your mum, your cat, the postman, or yourself!

Download them here:

Card 1: I love you more thanĀ here

Card 2: You are my sun, my moon, and all of my starsĀ here

Card 3: love you to the moon and backĀ here

For the first card you’ll see it’s two pages, we’ve left a space for you to be imaginative about how much you love your lover. More than coffee? More than candy crush? More than your last boyfriend? You decide! Just make sure you print the first page and then reload that page into your printed to print the other side.

In this version I printed the cards out on pastel paper and then cut them out, adding some simple heart shaped confetti in the envelopes – a two minute job that will have you ecstatic with your own creativity.

The cards will print best on A4 and you should cut them out where shown on the corners like I have below. They should fit in any envelope, but you can always snip them down bit to fit in yours.

Then fold them in half!

And add some confetti, and enjoy! I’ve got another DIY idea for these cards coming next week so stay tuned!

Big thanks to Jasmine for her gorgeous (and generous) typography, as usual. Have you checked out her new online store? I’m DYING over those pillow cases. Can you say – get on my bed?

Shop Collective Gen


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