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DIY Fresh Flower Hat

My DIY Jul 30, 2015

DIY Fresh Flower Hat

Fresh flowers are clearly the mascot for summer, and so we thought before the end of the season we would show you how to quickly add a little floral goodness to the other symbol of warmer climes – the straw hat. Gemma and I recently enjoyed another day in the studio and couldn’t help but dream of the races or outdoor picnics we would go to in these floral creations – made even more acute by the fact that it was raining cats and dogs outside!

DIY Fresh Flower Hat

You need:

  • A straw hat
  • Fresh flowers
  • Pins
  • Florist’s wire

How to:

1. Cut up your fresh flowers and leaves into pieces, and then use the florist’s wire to contact them together into a bigger frond.

2. Wrap the frond around the crown of the hat so it fits. Using the pins, anchor them to the straw hat. You’ll want to make sure the end of the pin it on the outer side of the straw so it doesn’t prick your head.

Voila! It’s very very easy.

You can remove the flowers once they have died, and do it all over again next time!

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