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DIY Gift: Natural Beauty Kit (With Printable Labels!)

Dec 19, 2016

DIY Gift: Natural Beauty Kit

Do it yo’self.

Is my motto, and it’s a great one when it comes to gifts.  Giving and receiving something that’s been made by hand is the best! And with the festive season in full swing, chances are your friends and fam are looking for any excuse for a pamper session, so it’s only right that you give them one. So today we’re going to help you put together a natural beauty kit to give as a gift – below you’ll find printables and recipes… all you need are the ingredients! Creating a kit with natural beauty recipes is not only incredibly thoughtful, but it’s a great way to show someone you care about them inside, and out. The best thing? You can find many of these ingredients at your local supermarket or pharmacy. Looks like massaging and resting this festive season doesn’t have to be limited to in the kitchen with the turkey…

DIY Gift: Natural Beauty Kit

You can get your hands on our beauty kit labels here, all you have to do is print onto label paper, cut them out and you’re all ready to gift away! Give one or all, it’s up to you 🙂 Enjoy!



1 cup x epsom salts
1 cup x pink Himalayan salt
20 drops x lavender oil
Clean jars with lids

How to

1. Pour all ingredients into a bowl and mix until well combined.
2. Fill the jars with the bath salt mix and screw lid on securely.



1 tbsp x rose water
1 tbsp x witch hazel
Distilled water (filtered tap water works just as well too)
Pump bottles

How to

1. Unscrew and pour the rose water and witch hazel into the bottle. You can adjust the amount of rose water you add depending on your own preference.
2. Carefully fill the rest of the bottle up with distilled water.
3. Replace the spray pump lid and give the bottle a good shake to mix well.



1 x green tea bag
Vitamin E oil
1 cup x boiling water
Spray bottles

How to

1. Place the green tea bag into the cup of boiling water and allow to steep for at least 15-20 minutes.
2. Allow the tea to cool to room temperature then add 2-3 drops of Vitamin E oil.
3. Pour the face mist mixture into the spray bottle and you’re done!



3 tbsp coconut oil
1 cup beeswax, shaved
1 tsp vanilla extract
and 1 tsp jojoba oil (sweet almond or vitamin E oil also work)

How to

1. Melt the bees wax and coconut oil in a pan.
2. Add the vanilla and jojoba and stir well.
3. Pour the mixture into small lip balm pots and allow to set.

Photos by Nicola Lemmon

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Tags Beauty DIY Gifts printable

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