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How To Turn Any Vase Into A Lamp!

Home DIY Mar 25, 2020

Warning: Addictive home DIY project ahead.

When I was putting together the list of *extra special* projects I wanted to include in my book, turning a vase into a lamp was at the very top. I’ve been keen to do this sort of project for soooooo long, and once I had planned out the book properly, I set about making one. After a lot of experimenting I came up with the best way to do it, and you can find a simple grey version in Home Is Where You Make Itt. Having mastered the idea, I really wanted to experiment with other shapes and aesthetics. If I’m honest, turning vases into lamps is quite an addiction for me now! After I whitewashed so many ugly vases recently, and also found this surprisingly chic lampshade in the thrift store for a few dollars, I was excited to bring the two together into a beautiful lamp. Read on for how to do it yourself.

For this project you will need to buy a lamp kit. They are actually quite easy to use and are amazing for turning pretty much any type of vase into a lamp. For these projects make sure to buy one with a ‘side entry’ for the cable, so that you don’t have to drill a hole in the bottom of the vase.  You’ll also want to buy a vase cap that roughly matches the size of your vase opening (bigger is fine but smaller won’t work). Here are a few places to buy them:


The first thing to do it to put your lamp kit together, if it doesn't come pre assembled. I prefer the ones that come already assembled, but have also found that they're not too hard to put together yourself.


Add your vase cap at the bottom of the lamp section and attach it with a screw underneath. This is what will keep your lamp sitting on top of the vase properly.


Take your super glue and put some along the rim of your vase. Let it dry for a few minutes until it becomes a bit tacky.


Then, place your vase cap and lamp kit on top and let it dry.


Finally, add your lampshade on top, and then add your bulb. Because the cord is side access, you'll just have to orientate the cord towards the back of the lamp when you place it on your table.


I also recently rearranged and styled the bedroom with some really gorgeous pieces from West Elm! I added some pretty bed linen, in the form of this Belgian flax linen duvet cover, a knitted throw, a lumbar pillow, and a couple of canvas pillows.

And in case you’re looking for more DIY ideas to inspire your home, perhaps you might like my book?


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