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Making Engraved Jewellery for Mother's Day

Home DIY Apr 27, 2021

Motherā€™s Day is such a good time of year to get creative, if anyone is going to love a handmade project itā€™s the mother, or mother figure, in your life! One thing Iā€™ve always wanted to try is hand engraving jewellery, so when I recently got my hands on the amazing new Dremel Lite I knew the project that I would experiment with.

The Dremel Lite is a lightweight version of my favourite rotary tool, and so perfect starting out or smaller projects ā€“ like mastering engraving! Dremel has also launched a whole collection of new accessory kits, and so I decided to experiment with those for this project. I decided to make engraved gold, stone and glass pendants, and it was so fun to work with the different mediums!

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You need

  • Dremel LITE 7760
  • Dremel Metal Accessory Kit
  • Dremel Glass and Stone Accessory Kit
  • Metal, glass and stone pendants
  • Necklace chains
  • Wood block
  • Tape
  • Jewellery pliers

How To


The first step is to set up your Dremel Lite for engraving. Youā€™ll need to understand the material you want to engrave on so that you are using the right accessory. To start with, I worked on the metal pendants so chose the metal engraving tool from the kit. Choose the accessory you would like to work with and install it onto the Dremel. 


Tape your pendant to the wooden board, or if you have small clamps you can use those too. You want to make sure your pendant isnā€™t going to move around.


The Dremel light is great because it has a pencil style grip so that you can easily use it to engrave, I practiced a few times on some old metal to get used to the feel. Once I was ready, I used a light stroke to add words and symbols to the pendants. It turned out to be a lot easier than I expected!You can trace a design onto your pendant using pen or carbon paper, but I found it easier to do the words freehand. Go with whatever works for you!


I experimented with using the engraving technique on metal, glass and stone and it worked really well. I recommend using softer materials to start with which are easier to engrave. 


Once the pendants were done, I used my jewellery pliers to create a few different necklace styles, mixing and matching the pendants together. I love how they look!

Like what you see? Or just want to save it for later?

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This project turned out to be super easy and quite effective, and definitely something that anyone, even a novice engraver like me, could try.

For other projects featuring the Dremel, read my blog posts the upcycled carpet chair and my plywood Christmas tree.

This project is in collaboration with Dremel.

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