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Making an Upcycled Mosaic Lamp!

Home DIY Jul 20, 2023

I honestly can’t believe I’d never tried mosaics until this week! As a lover of all things tiled, it was so fun and satisfying to give it a go!

I had a little lamp at home that I wanted to add a little spice to, and the Mandala ‘Earth’ theme mosaic glass tiles were the perfect style to give this lamp a very cute update and I’m loving the new look. It was also just so nice to let my brain zone out and do this little project! If you want a fun and easy way to update your home decor, whilst also engaging in (what I see as) a form of therapy, then this project is for you!


How To Make A Mosaic Lamp:


Firstly, I removed the shade and then placed the lamp upside down and starting at the top, put a strip of mosaic glue around the lamp. I then gently placed each tile on to the glue, creating a random pattern of colours. I made sure that there was at least 1mm between each tile to allow for grout. 


I continued glueing on all of the tiles, moving my way down the lamp. I made sure that the patterned stayed random and that each line was not perfectly straight. Once I got closer to the bottom, I turned the lamp over and finished it off. I then allowed the glue to set for an hour. 


Next up I created the grout mixture by mixing approximately 150mL of water to 500g of grout powder. I added the amounts in slowly until it became the consistency of toothpaste. I then used the Mandala squeegee to apply the grout to the tiles, ensuring every gap was full.


I waited for the grout to dry slightly and then used a damp sponge to wipe away the excess grout from on top of the tiles.


I rinsed off the sponge and repeated the previous step until all excess grout was gone. Once all the grout was dry, I gave it one more wipe over with a soft clean cloth to help shine the glass. 


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