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Before & After: The Upcycled Cabinet!

Upcycled furniture Sep 11, 2020

Another day, another upcycle with paint!

You’ll remember that recently I set myself the task of upcycling a secondhand find using British Paints. I had found a beautiful hutch which I wanted to put into Frankie’s room. I shared a few paint options with you guys, and got so many great ideas and responses! In the end I was torn between the beautiful deep blue of ‘Kara Sea’ and the soft green of ‘Wollemi Pine’.

In order to decide what colour would work best I spent a bit of time planning out how I wanted Frankie’s room to evolve in the next few years. I like the idea of a forest kind of theme in her room – a tent bed (DIY?!) and some other fun details. Because of that I ended up choosing Wollemi Pine for the cabinet, and I absolutelyĀ love the result. I likeĀ British Paints because itā€™s super easy to apply, and the colours are so nice! This green shade is a fresh and subtle and I think it will complement the woodland theme I’m working on for Frankie’s room so well… More on that soon. Read on for how I did this upcycle.

I am such a fan of painting furniture, it’s the perfect low commitment way to add colour to your space. Which is why I always suggest and encourage it. To do this upcycle I used the steps in this basic tutorial.


  • British Paints ‘Wollemi Pine’
  • A small can of British Paints White
  • Walnut handles from Kethy – Ribe and Rib Knobs
  • Paint brushes
  • Mini roller and tray
  • A razor
  • Drop sheets
  • Screwdriver and screws
  • Sandpaper and sanding block
  • Hole filler

How to

  1. The first thing I did was take the doors off the cabinet and remove the drawers. I took off the handles and the knobs.
  2. Then I lightly sanded the whole cabinet.
  3. I then started painting with the brushes. First I did the inside of the cabinet (the sections that can be seen through the glass) with the white paint.
  4. The next step was to move onto the green! I did the front, sides and insides and then let them dry.
  5. While they were drying, I painted the drawer fronts.
  6. I then did another coat on the main cabinet, using the roller this time for a uniform finish.
  7. Once that was dry, I screwed the doors back on, and then painted them using the brush and roller. I used the razor to remove any paint that went onto the glass.
  8. The final step was to put the handles and knobs on! That took some time but I love the result.


Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who helped me with the process of upcycling this hutch for Frankie’s bedroom. From choosing colours to deciding on door handle combos, it’s been so much more fun with you guys along for the ride.

This project is in collaboration with British Paints

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