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An Easy (and Impressive) Brunch Table Platter

My DIY Mar 28, 2016

Brunch Table Platter

Happy Easter from down under guys! I’ve whizzed back to Australia to spend some time with family and friends in Byron Bay –  it feels like I live here these days. And I’m definitely not complaining about that… this place is incredible. To thank mum and dad for having us, and to entice my best friends down the coast over the long weekend, I put on a last minute breakfast. Keeping it simple, we used the principles of this wine and cheese platter, but this time applied it to breakfast, filling it with tropical fruits, yogurt, croissants and of course – hot crossed buns! A sneaky little glass of champagne (ok ok, sparkling wine) and a  spiced iced coffee make this spread the absolute best way to spend a morning (followed by a dip, of course).

Brunch Table Platter Supplies

We added a mix of savoury and sweet items because it was a brunch at 10am, but if it’s more of a breakfast you can skip the cheeses and hams and go for more items like yogurts and fruits.

  • Croissants (one per person)
  • Other bread items like hot crossed buns (if it’s Easter) and bread
  • Seasonal fruit like watermelon, kiwi fruit, strawberries, pomegranates, passion fruits, figs, blue berries, nectarines and bananas.
  • Jams and spreads
  • Nuts – we went with macadamias this time because this region has such amazing ones!
  • Cheeses (1 per 4 people)
  • Dips (we made our own hummus)
  • Ham/salami
  • Crackers
  • Olives, semi dried tomatoes
  • Rocket
  • Annnnnd dark chocolate to put around the edges

How we put it together

We were catering for more people than last time, and decided to use a coffee table instead of a platter – mainly because we didn’t have one that was big enough. This actually turned out to be even better than a platter because everyone could sit around it comfortably, throw a rug and a few cushions down and you’re good to go. I followed the process of the last platter we did – started with the bigger items like cheeses, fanned out the crackers and put messy items in small bowls. A key step is to use rocket to fill in the gaps and on top of that add blueberries and nuts, and make the whole platter  feel full.  Make sure to check out the original post to read more details on putting it together. Your plater runneth over!

Just clear a place for your drink and away you go. 🙂

The best thing about the platter, putting aside how great it is that these ingredients cost around $100, is that it only really took about 45 minutes to put together (not including shopping time). Compare that with the amount of time it would take to cook a whole lot of different dishes for 15 and you realise just how impressive it is. Not that I don’t like cooking but there’s nothing better than when it’s easy to cater for a big group. So you can be hostess with the mostess, in the least(less) time.

Hope you all have a really amazing Easter if you celebrate. 🙂

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