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How to Deseed a Pomegranate

My DIY Apr 5, 2016

How to Deseed a Pomegranate

A little bit of a survey of all my friends has shown me that less than half know how to deseed a pomegranate… Can I admit I was one of them? I was the person crazily hacking at my little pomegrante to get those little nuggets of goodness out of it… Only to end up with juice down my front and very very sad little gems left over. This tip comes directly from Ben who reigns supreme in all matters cooking related (his mother is a serious contender in the kitchen and it’s clear he picked it up via a mixture of osmosis and amniotic fluid). If you’re a pomegranate king then by all means, skip this one (perhaps you’re interested in packing better?) but if you, like I was, are a little stumped… Then read on.

How to Deseed a Pomegranate

Start by cutting the top out. To do this, score it around the top with the knife in a circle.

Remove the top and then peel the skin away from the edges. You’ll see the white fibre inside which you want to avoid like the plague. It’s super bitter.

After you’ve torn the pomegranate pretty much in half, now it’s time to get those gems out. To do this you want to place a bowl under your hands, and then hit the back of the pomegranate (the red part) with the back of your knife so all the little gems fall into your bowl.

You’ll need to keep pulling it apart and whacking out the remaining gems.

Voillllaaaaaaaa. Here’s to all those cocktails I’m going to be making using these little nuggets of goodness. How good do they look?

Photos by Nicola Lemmon

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