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The Best Pet Friendly Plants for Your Home

Plants Mar 25, 2019

Plants and pets, I have to say they’re two fail safe ingredients for a happy home. But sadly sometimes they can be at odds with each other! But we’re here to help you with that.

The most common question that you guys ask is what plants to buy if you have a pet that likes to eat them.  SO many of you complain about cats that can’t help but have a munch!  So we thought we would put together an illustrated guide to the best plants if your pet is a little bit too into the greenery in your house. I couldn’t help but share some pics of Emily’s lovely space (remember that gorgeous bathroom), where her doggies and her plant babies live in complete harmony. If only I was so lucky!

I guess I should start by saying that it’s best that your pets don’t eat any of your plants, no matter how safe they are because it can lead to tummy upset. And many pets won’t. But if your pet is prone to munching, try to put your plants as out of the way as possible – shelves and hanging planters are a great option.

Pet Friendly Plants

African Violet

This plant comes in a variety of colours so great for adding personality to your space, and it’s small size makes it a good potted flower to put on a desk or window sill.

Care The violet requires moderate to bright filtered sunlight. The soil needs to be kept moist, and it’s best to water the base of the plant and not the foliage.

Areca Palm

This plant is great for air purification and putts moisture back into the air during dryer seasons. It  can be purchased as a small tabletop sized plant, but can grow to over 2m tall.

Care Keep the soil lightly moist, and fertilise it every Spring. The plant will need to be replanted every 2 to 3 years due to rapid growth.

Bamboo Palm

Although most bamboo plants need a lot of light to grow, the bamboo palm is fine with low-light conditions making it great if you have a darker space. However, it is a large leafy plant so may not suit smaller homes, because a fully grown bamboo palm can reach up to 4m.

Care Water the plant until the soil is moist, only when the soil surface feels dry.

Blue Echeveria

This cute succulent is perfect for adding personality to a smaller space. Although called the Blue Echeveria, it actually comes in a variety of colours ranging from blue, green, violet and even pink.

Care The echeveria can tolerate extreme temperatures, and prefers full direct sunlight. When watering, pour water into the soil until it drains out the bottom. Only water the plant again when the soil is dry.

Boston Fern

These gorgeous leafy ferns add softness to a space and look great in a hanging planter.

Care  The Boston Fern needs a cool environment that’s high in humidity, so if placed indoors, it’s a good idea to mist them once or twice a week.  Additionally, the soil of the plant needs to be kept moist.


Bromeliads are a really nice decorative plant, but require a little more attention when placed indoors.

Care These plants have a small water cup in the centre of the plant, and filling this cup gives them all the water they need. Be sure to remove any debris that gets caught in the cup.

Cast Iron Plant

Beautiful and hardy, the cast iron plant will do well under just about any conditions inside the home. Curious pets may be tempted to chew on the large leaves, but luckily it’s non-toxic and won’t cause any harm.

Care This plant grows well in low light indoors and is not picky about regular water either. Although a slow grower, this plant will live for many years, and will reach a mature height of around 1m.

Dwarf Date Palm

The dwarf date palm helps with  air purification and improves air quality. They grow up to 10 feet in height so they may not be suitable for smaller homes.

Care These palms prefer direct sunlight, with a humidity level that mimics the tropical Asian environment. Water the plant regularly, and mist the fronds weekly to promote healthy leaves.

Moth Orchid

Orchids are a gorgeous potted flowering plant that come in a huge number of colours.

Care Place the orchid in moderately bright spot. Water whenever the soil is dried out, and fertilise them with orchid fertiliser. Repot whenever a bloom is finished, using fresh orchid mix in the new pot.

Spider Plant

The spider plant is considered one of the most adaptable of houseplants and is very easy to grow. It can grow in a wide range of conditions and suffers from few problems. The spider plant is so named because of its spider-like mini plants which dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web.

Care Spider plants are really easy to grow, simply them with well-drained soil and bright, indirect light and they will flourish. Water them well but do not allow the plants to become too soggy, which can lead to root rot. In fact, spider plants prefer to dry out some between waterings.


What should you do if your favourite indoor plants aren’t on this list? Don’t freak out! Unless you have a pet that eats every plant in sight, in which case I would take a look at this website to understand if you need to move (or relocate) some of the plants you already have. If you’re worried, you can always put your plants onto the top of shelves, cabinets or into hanging planters.

Thanks so much for sharing such gorgeous pics of your space and doggies Emily! Make sure to check out her Instagram and store Rock N Rose  – I love her gold pendant necklaces!


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