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Three Quick Hairstyles Using A Vintage Scarf

Feb 25, 2020

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of the tv show Fleabag. One of the themes that weaves its way through both seasons is hair. How we love it, and how we also hates the hold it has over us.

In case you haven’t watched, the hair theme culminates in a scene towards the end where Claire gets a terrible haircut and the sisters have showdown with Anthony, their hairdresser. Fleabag proclaims that ‘Hair is everything. We wish it wasn’t, but it is‘. And even though on a world scale, hair isn’t *that* important, on a personal level, having a great hair day is one of the best feelings around. Right?

SO, after that somewhat lengthy intro, I wanted to share with you something I’ve been using lately to have a few extra good hair days… A vintage scarf! Scarves made a come back a little while ago and I have to say they definitely take your average ponytail up a notch. This scarf I got in a vintage store in Japan, so not only does it look cute but it’s filled with memories. Read on for a few ways to wear them.

Three Scarf Hairstyles

The best bit about a scarf is that it can take pretty much any simple hairstyle to a better, more refined level, and is a great option for when you don’t have a lot of time to do your hair. Here are three ways I like using them.

The Ponytail Ponytails get a bad rap, but they certainly have their uses, when you’re running out ofĀ time or when it’sĀ just way too hot for a hair out situation. One knot around theĀ hair tieĀ with a scarf is theĀ perfectĀ addition.

The Bun Top knot, low bun. Both are simple and made wayyy better with the addition of a vintage scarf! Wrap twice.

The Half UpĀ I’ve been a fan of the half up for a while, it’s a great way to get the hair out of your face while still having the elegance of a hair down style. Adding a scarf if the perfect update!


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