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How To Make A Fluted Christmas Tree (Using Roller Blinds!)

Christmas Dec 2, 2022

I love creating alternative Christmas trees.  Branches, bamboo screens and much more – nothing is off limits or too unexpected when it comes to creating something festive.

For this one, I stepped up the wild and wacky ideas… Inspired by a beautifully wavy tree in a designer window display, I combined a few ideas I’d used previously (making a fluted lampshade and last year’s table display) and stalked the aisles of Bunnings until I found something that would work… Namely two $27 roller blinds, from which I used the fabric and the steel rod (and an old plant pot) to create this! A sculptural fluted Christmas tree.

Materials You’ll Need

How To Make A Fluted Christmas Tree


To start, you’ll need to create 4 separate templates out of cardboard for each layer of your tree. The shape I ended up with kind of looks like a big piece of pizza.


Using my template and a marker, I traced these shapes over and over onto the roller blind and cut them out. I ended up with 12 panels for each layer. So that’s 48 panels all up!


Once I had everything cut out and my hot glue gun had heated up I glued each panel together, along the edge on the right side, starting with the top layer and working my way down. I determined which side of the blind was going to be on the outside and placed one piece on top of another, right sides together.


Then simply glue the last two panels of that layer together to create a full circle. Now do this 3 more times for the rest of your tree layers. Don’t be worried if your layers are looking a little funny at this point. They still need the wire on the inside to keep them held up right! To do this, I made little slits where each panel meets and threaded the wire through each one until it connected back at the start. I attached the two pieces together with electrical tape so it stayed in place.


Next I created the base of the tree using one of the poles that came with the roller blinds and popped it into the drainage hole of an upside down garden pot.


Then I slid the first tree layer over the pole.


I used rope to tie on the layers onto the pole. I then added all four layers. When I got to the final layer I tucked it into the top of the pole, and then added a star which I glued onto a stick and slid into the pole.


Honestly I was so unsure how this would turn out but I really like it. I love that with a tree like this you can easily take it apart and store it for next year.

This project is in collaboration with Bunnings.

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