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Home DIY / Renovating

Considering a back veranda update...

Hey guys! I'm coming to you with a little request, that you help us decide...

What Should I Make With These Fabrics?
Let's Talk

Question: What Should I Make With These Fabrics? (The Bump Edition)

Hey guys! Oh you know how much I love this game, right? If you've been...

All the books I've Read (And Loved) In The Last Year
Creative Business

All the Books I've Read (And Loved) In The Last Year

Hey guys! Ready to fill up your reading list? Something I only touch on now...

Hello bump!
Let's Talk

Hello bump!

Another day, another major life change :) I'm excited to finally share with you some...

What Should I Make With This Fabric? (The Ibiza Edition)
Let's Talk

Question: What Should I Make With This Fabric? (The Ibiza Edition)

Hello guys! Is the year just flying by or what? Blink in April and you...

What Should I Make With These Fabrics
Let's Talk

Question: What should I make with these fabrics? (For my trip to New York!)

New York New York. I couldn't be more excited! In case you missed it, I currently preparing for...

What's your go to bra style?
Let's Talk

Let's Talk: What's Your Go To Bra Style?

Bras. They come with the territory of being a woman but (as you no doubt...

What Should I Make With These Fabrics
Let's Talk

Question: What should I make with these fabrics?

In this dreamily filtered, perfectly glossy world sometimes there's pressure to only share 100% finished, perfect DIY...

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