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Five DIY's That Will Make You Happier

Wellness May 2, 2018

Guide To Travel Journaling

Feeling blue? Midweek got you down? You’re not the only one.

Luckily I’ve found that there are a few things you can do to keep Wednesday blues at bay, and short of going on a long holiday where you get to put on your out of office and drink wine with lunch, these actually do help (without you needing to pack a bag at all). Here are a few pointers we got up our sleeves on DIY’s that will make you happier!

Five DIY’s That Will Make You Happier

Go Green

You won’t be surprised that the first thing I do when I’m feeling down in the dumps is add a few more plants to my space.  I can’t tell you how happy my plants have made me in my tiny apartment! Having indoor plants has been proven to improve indoor air quality and boost productivity. Both of which are a bonus given that they look pretty too. All of which makes for a happier you.

Interested in creating your own indoor garden, check out a few of these DIY’s: DIY Hanging Plants | DIY Structural Planters DIY Planter Ideas | DIY Plant Shelf Care for Indoor Plants

Sleep Rituals

No matter what other wellness practices you fill your days with, not getting enough sleep undermines all your those wheatgrass/bikram/jade egg efforts. Considering sleep is the time in your day when your brain is organising and cleaning up (I like to imagine it’s like your brain is marie kondo-ing and sorting things into pigeon holes), it’s worth putting some time into your sleeping space. Create a sanctuary that is like crawling back into the womb at the end of the day, and you’re sure to sleep better.

Do It Yourself: DIY Candles | DIY Eye Mask | DIY Pallet Bed | DIY Linen Curtains

Get Organised

Even though I’m the queen of a messy space (always too busy creating to put things back in their rightful place) I’m the first to acknowledge that this can lead to daily stress that is oh so avoidable. Decluttering and putting things back where they belong is both cathartic and also conducive to ongoing productivity and general happiness. But the trick to getting organised isn’t just throwing stuff that you don’t need away, it’s also about developing systems and storage solutions that mean things stay organised for longer. Here are a few DIYs to help you do just that.

Do It Yourself: Cement Desk Organiser | Jewellery Storage | Box Wardrobe | Magazine Hanger | Leather Shelves | Hanging Baskets

Bath Goals

If you could make time for one thing every day that would (in all likelihood) make you exponentially happier, it’s having a bath, even a short one! Not only is it a moment to myself, it’s a (forced) digital detox and a physical experience that relaxes all those tired muscles. A girl can dream! Which is why, when you do get the chance to take a both, it’s worth putting some time into it. Right?

Here are a few DIY’s to allow you to muse on ways of sprucing up your bath time:  Bath Caddy | DIY Bathroom Spa | Natural Beauty Kit



Writing about your life – goals, achievements, what you did during the day etc is about physically unpacking your thoughts. All of which is sure to make you happier!  This is one area where I really would like to invest more time, from the few journaling exercises I’ve done in the past they’re really worth it.

Do It Yourself: Easy Guide to Journaling |  Ideas for Travel Journal |   (And yes, whilst these DIY’s are more to do with travel journaling, the same principles do apply to an everyday routine!)

We hope that you enjoyed this article on our thoughts on DIY’s that will make you happier! And are excited on sharing more on lifestyle routines!

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