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Five Tips for Styling Your Home With Secondhand Pieces

Styling Jul 10, 2020

The secret to a unique space? Antiques!

The difference between a well styled space and a just ok one is often hard to put your finger on. Is it the colours? The finishing? The textiles? Chances are it’s all those things, but for me, a space really sings when it tells a story. And by tells a story I mean has lots of layers and FEELS like the person that lives there. I think a mistake that we can often make is to cut and paste a concept or idea we’ve seen somewhere else into our space, which can make a room feel (at best) like someone else’s or (at worst) a bit like a showroom. But don’t worry, it’s actually really easy to create a space that feels like YOU and tells a story. The answer is secondhand! Vintage and antique pieces are a great way to create character and give your space layers. It’s something I always integrate into every single room that I style and I think it makes a big difference. Here are a few tips for adding antiques to your space.

Pick Pieces That Speak To You

When you go looking for antiques and secondhand, there are no wrong answers. It’s more about what items catch your eye and how they will integrate into your home! I like to simply wander or browse online until I see a piece with lines and details that catch my eye, and then picture it in my space.

Consider a Theme

You guys know that I love eclectic style, but it can be useful to think about a very loose theme for your space. That will help you to think about lines and shapes. That’s not to say everything should be one theme, but it can be helpful to narrow down what you are looking at.

But Don’t be Afraid To Mix n Match

At the same time, a theme is important, but don’t let it restrict you completely. A well mixed space creates such a lovely FEELING and often the best way to highlight a certain piece is to only use one example of it so that it can contrast with other styles and pieces. It’s about finding that balance.

Check The Function

Function changes over time so it’s useful to check what you’re buying and how it can be used. I’m a huge fan of vintage wardrobes but I tend to find that when you look inside they don’t have the functionality of more modern ones. That’s not to say I wouldn’t use one, only that it’s useful to be aware of the function of an item so you know what needs retrofitting or if it won’t work at all. On the other hand, our kitchen island was a workbench which we now use for dining and living!

Stick To A Palette

When in doubt, choose a palette for the furniture in a room. For example, if you like dark wood you could choose that for the space but mix up all the different eras and styles in that same colour. This is a simple way to bring in more storytelling without the space being overwhelming or messy.




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