Testing Baking Powder vs Baking Soda
One of the most common questions I get asked about #trashtoterracotta is whether it's best...
ReadOne of the most common questions I get asked about #trashtoterracotta is whether it's best...
ReadI love a quick and easy upcycle, and this ceramic face plate only took 10...
ReadA few months ago I challenged myself to make five upcycles in one day. It...
ReadReady for a creative Christmas?! I certainly am. I've been so excited to roll up...
ReadHey guys! I thought it was high time I created a video for my #trashtoterracotta...
ReadWhen I first painted some ugly vases using terracotta paint in December last year, I...
ReadWarning: Addictive home DIY project ahead. When I was putting together the list of *extra...
ReadMore Trash To Terracotta coming right up. I'm back with another update on my experiment...