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How to: Apricot & Coconut Balls

Recipes Jul 17, 2013

The ultimate in healthy mid afternoon snacks, these apricot and coconut balls are so delicious served chilled alongside a cup of tea. I posted this pic on my instagram a few days ago and had quite a few requests for the recipe, and I’m quite happy to share it with you! After you’ve made this version you should experiment a bit, trying different fruit and nuts – it’s really so versatile. And the best thing? You don’t have to be overly pedantic about the amounts you use – it’s done to taste which is great because I’m not so into (read: good at) being precise when it comes to cooking.

You need:

  • 4 handfuls of dried apricots (approx 500g)
  • two handfuls of almonds or any other nuts you like – cashews or macadamias would be delish (approx 250g)
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of dessicated coconut
  • a few spoons of water

How to:

  1. In a food processor or by hand, chop up the nuts and apricots into tiny pieces.
  2. Add the water, salt, 1/3 of the coconutĀ  and mix together so you have a slightly moist rough dough. You can do all this in the food processor if you are using one.
  3. Take spoonfuls of the mixture and press into balls.
  4. Roll in coconut.
  5. Leave to set in the freezer. I like to store mine in the freezer all the time so they are cool and solid to snack on.


How cute are my new delicate gold pieces from Rose Jewelry?

* ps is it silly that I snigger every time I say balls? Argh so childish!

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Tags food In the Kitchen paleo recipe

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