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A Creamy Coconut Quinoa Pudding Recipe

My DIY Feb 18, 2016

Coconut Quinoa Pudding Recipe

Any other dessert addicts out there? People for whom dinner every meal isn’t over without something sweet? It’s an affliction I’ve had for my whole life (my parents were so worried about me for a while there!), but luckily in recent years I’ve been able to put a lid on my more extreme sweet tooth tendencies, not by actually giving up sugar, but by being a little more careful about the sources I get my regular sugar intake from. Little swaps that have made all the difference to me day to day. My raw chocolate balls fill a snickers bar sized gap, and this quinoa pudding is perfect after dinner when ice cream and strawberries used to be on the cards. My favourite thing about these types of sweet treats is that they’re so easy to make, with no British bake off style need for attention to detail. It’s cooking for idiots, which makes it perfect for me.

Coconut Quinoa Pudding Recipe


  • a cup of uncooked quinoa
  • a can of coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • almonds
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • fruit and nuts to garnish

How to:

  1. Add the quinoa, coconut milk, honey and cinnamon to a saucepan, and bring to the boil. Once boiling, simmer for half an hour or so, making sure it doesn’t burn.
  2. Test the quinoa, if it’s looking a little dry, just add some more coconut milk.  It should be chewy but firm when it’s done and of a creamy consistency.
  3. Add some chopped almonds to the mix pan just before serving.
  4. Top with banana and berries and more chopped almonds, as well as a splash of honey to serve. Eat warm.

I like to make a big batch to have as dessert or for breakfast, it keeps in the fridge for over a week! Just add a bit more coconut milk if it dries out over time.


Loving my new ceramics I bought from Susan Simonini.

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Tags Ceramics food recipe

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